Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Project Two: Final Touches

Over the last week I finished the last of my web pages and spent today checking all my links and making sure everything was consistent throughout the pages. I managed to apply a white page border to each of the pages which was cool since that was part of my original design. I ended up using the following code to achieve this.

margin: 0 auto;
border:20px solid white; 
background-color:#EAEAEA; /*grey*/
font-family:'Roboto', sans-serif;
font-weight:300; /* roboto light */

The code highlighted in red in specific to the border. When you zoom in and out on any size screen the border remains the same.

Here is a screen shot of how it looks on a laptop screen. 

I also added in an extra table under the calendar heading of key dates I thought were important to have as a 'quick view' without having to download the wall planner I provided.

I was having problems with my sitemap page it was opening up differently depending on the size of the screen I was using. I realised that I needed to add a div specifically for the text that sat inside the 'main content' div. This worked and solved my problem. I also ended up just making the div margin: 0 auto; to make it inline with the heading. This has meant that some of the options go onto another line like shown above. I don''t think that matters though. It is quite normal for it to look like that on sitemaps.

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