Monday, 25 August 2014

Project One: Redesigning Evoke website: Preperation and progress

Last class we were set the task of redesigning the Evoke website. We needed a "home" page and an "about" page. The first thing we needed to do was decide the main purpose of the website and then do some sketches/ find content and finally design it up it illustrator.  I have chosen to use the design of the website and apply it to the Evoke website. I really like the design of this website and thought it would be a good challenge to try and remake parts of it as practise. I have also taken images and content from the website. Here is what I have done.

Sketches etc:

Illustrator mock up of design:

Div Map for design:

I have started to code up my design using Dreamweaver. It is looking pretty good so far but a couple of things I can't seem to get right and I am not sure why are that the main image is repeating itself and the white container just ends instead of continuing down the page. 

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